80 Year Old Woman, Defector from North Korea, Evangelizing Using Cell Phone
북한출신 노인이 아들은 군대에서 쫒겨나서 행방불명, 딸은 수용소에서 사망한 후 2006년에 두만강에 몸을 던져 자살을 시도(6회 자살 시도)했으나 중국쪽의 한 선교사에 의해발견되어 소생한 뒤 캄보디아를 거쳐 남한 땅에서 주님을 영접하고 북한 땅에 있는 영혼들에게 복음을 전하는 부르심을 받고 현재는 cell phone을 사용해서 복음을 전하고 있습니다. 지난 5년 동안 25명의 북한 사람들을 그리스도께로 인도했습니다. 80 나이에도 이렇게 사명을 감당케 하시는 주님을 찬양합니다.
An old woman lost her son that disappeared after he was cast out of North Korean army as well as her daughter died in the labor camp. She tried to commit suicide 6 times; in 2006, she jumped into Du-man river to die, but was found out by a Korean missionary from the side of China. Finally she could land in South Korea via Cambodia. Two years later, she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. Once in a Christian meeting, she was called to lead North Koreans to Christ at her age 80. Lord gave her to lead North Koreans to Christ using special cell phone using the antenna in China.
Last five years, she led 25 North Koreans to Christ including her family members. Praise the Lord for using an 80 years old woman for his glory!