Sermon Title: Easter Message (The power of resurrection of Jesus to restore the kingdom of God in heaven and earth)
Only after Jesus died to take away the sins of the world (our sins) (John 1:29), was buried, went down to hell, and then rose again on the third day, the earth that had been taken by the old serpent, the devil 6,000 years ago in the Garden of Eden to be restored in heaven and earth as his kingdom.. He stayed for forty days before ascending to heaven and taught his disciples about the restoration of the kingdom of God.
Restoring the kingdom of God on earth means that because of the sin of the first man, Adam, the spirit of Adam and Eve died because of their sin, and their souls as living ones also lost their salvation and lost the image of God. But man shall be restored as the image of God again as well as all things that were cursed because of Adam’s sin.
God planned the earth to restore as the one created in the beginning by taking away all sin, death and curses through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. For this, Jesus first had to die for the sin of the world. Apostle Paul testified of what Jesus has done by his death:
It is not the shape of the cross that Jesus was crucified in the issue, but the fact that he died on a wooden cross is very important. It is because of the curse brought by Satan that those who commit suicide hang their heads on the tree.
Finally, Jesus had to overcome death. The devil is the one who has the power of death, so after Jesus died and rose again, he had to overcome the devil, that has the power of death to give life. Apostle Paul testified of this truth:
That’s right! To save those who have lost the image of God and become sinners, who are living as slaves under the devil, who has the power of sin and death. To restore man to the image of God, Jesus died according to the scriptures for our sins and was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. (1 Corinthians 15:1-3).
After his resurrection, Jesus made very important words to his disciples:
We have to understand the gospel contained in the words of Jesus that “repentance and remission of sins” should be proclaimed. In other words, people must first repent for not believing in Jesus who died and rose again for their sins, curses, and death. Before He died to save everyone in the world from the sins of all the Law, He foretold that the Holy Ghost will rebuke, ” Of sin, because they believe not on me;“ (John 16:9).
Jesus gave the message to his disciples saying all sins shall be forgiven through repentance to believe in Jesus in all the heart upon hearing of Jesus who took away sin, death and curses.
Jesus said these things before he ascended to heaven, so that by giving the Holy Ghost to those who repent and receive forgiveness of sins, their souls shall be saved and their spirits shall be born again, so that the kingdom of God may come in the heart of man in the Holy Ghost.
The first thing Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God is that the spiritual kingdom of God that would come in them who are saved through repentance and remission of sins. The second one shall be coming when Jesus opens the gates of heaven and returns to the earth to establish His kingdom on the earth, the Kingdom of Christ that is the kingdom of heaven that will come visibly and physically in the land of Israel.
At that time, the disciples knew only of the restoration of the kingdom in the land of Israel, so when he spoke of the coming of the Holy Ghost that is the Father’s promise, they could not understand the will of God who planned to spread the gospel of grace to all the earth for the coming two thousand years. Therefore they asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?“ (Acts 1:6).
Finally, on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost came upon them, they received power and were able to speak the gospel of Christ boldly to the Jews. Peter, empowered, boldly preached the gospel to the Jews:
Regenerated Christians, who have received the kingdom of God in the Holy Ghost shall be taken up to the house of God the Father in heaven to meet him on the day of Christ’s appearance (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 1 Corinthians 15). :51-54, Phil 4:20-21)
Before the second coming of Jesus Christ, God will cast out the devil with his angels to the earth (Rev. 12:7-9) Jesus will cast the Beat that is the Antichrist as well as false prophet alive into the lake of fire(Rev. 19:20). The Lord Jesus will cast the devil into the bottomless pit for thousand years, and cast him into the lake of fire after the Millennium kingdom of Christ.(Rev. 20:3, 10).
Then, the New heaven and the New earth shall be the kingdom of God forever (Rev. 21:1)
New people shall dwell in Jerusalem on earth, and the church of God shall dwell in the New Jerusalem in heaven as the bride of Christ praising God forever.