Sermon Title: The Gospel of Christ and the Restoration of Israel
Apostle Paul testified that the gospel of Christ is the power of God to give salvation to those who believe, and he said that he is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. He also testified that the gospel of Christ is to the Jews first and also to the Greeks (Romans 1:16).
Christ means the anointed one. There are three types of people who are anointed in the Bible. The first is prophet, the second priest, and the third king. The gospel of Christ is speaking of the Lord Jesus, who has all these three offices. The core of the gospel that Apostle Paul testified of is the word about Jesus, the Christ.
Jesus, who appeared in the flesh, was anointed as a prophet and preached the truth, but was killed by the Jews who rejected the truth. Now, after the Resurrection, he is seated at the right hand of God the Father as the High Priest. However, when the time is fulfilled, he will return to this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords to judge the peoples who do not believe in him and to establish his own kingdom on earth.
Therefore, those who believe in the gospel of Christ must believe that Jesus Christ has these three offices. At the end of the prayer that the Lord Jesus asked the Jews, “Thy kingdom and the power and the glory are thine forever.” This prayer is a confession that we believe in the glorious Second Coming who will appear on this earth and establish the kingdom Christ in order to fulfill his final will in heaven and earth.
Apostle Paul testified that Satan, the Devil has been preventing from believing in Christ Jesus who is coming to the earth to take over the earth that has been ruled by the devil:
By saying, “the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,” he refers to the glorious appearing of Christ Jesus, who appears again on this earth in glory and comes to reclaim the earth that Satan the devil has taken by force. At this time, Christ Jesus will take revenge for the people of Israel who have been persecuted and taken their land given by the LORD God by the nations of the world, and even confiscated all their possessions.
Prophet Isaiah testified of what God would do to restore Israel:
God will forgive those who are mourning in Zion for thousands of years for their sins against the law, and will restore them to their kingdom. When the kingdom taken away by the Gentiles is to be restored from their wanderings, they will welcome Christ Jesus as their King, and the kingdom of the Lord will come. When Jesus came, the first prayer he gave them was, “Thy kingdom come.” God will restore their land. The prophet Isaiah prophesied:
How amazing and unimaginable would this be? How will they, who were the most hated, rejected, and called the scoundrels in the world, rule over all nations and make all nations as their servants? But this was happened unto them in the past before they sinned. When they came out of Egypt and marched through the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land, God made to destroy the nations that stood in their way against them, and the peoples who helped them in their way became servants of the people of Israel themselves and followed them in the rear of the people of Israel. God said them as the strangers:
At this time, the glory of Zion will finally shine in the morning. At this time they will be called by the Lord God by new names, Hephzibah and Beulah (meaning as, in whom my joy is):
At this time, Jews and Gentiles who believe in the gospel of Christ and born again by the Holy Ghost to be the bride of Christ will rejoice with them in the kingdom of Christ. That’s right! The gospel of Christ says, first to the Jews, and second, to the Greeks (Gentiles).
What we must know is that, in order to prevent the light of the gospel of Christ from reaching people, Satan the Devil used his bride, the Roman Catholic, to kill millions of Jews over the past two thousand years, and during World War II, in cooperation with the Nazis, through the Jesuits. They slaughtered the Jews. Because Satan the Devil knew God’s plan to give the people of Israel the land promised to Abraham and make them a priestly nation to occupy all the land, he is still working on a plot to annihilate the Jews until now.
Also, Satan the devil uses the theologians with Roman Catholicism to create an replacement theology, deceiving that the people of Israel have already been abandoned by God and that God’s promises to Israel have already been inherited by the church, so that they have been blinded the eyes of the churches of the kingdom of Christ centered on Israel to be established. After the Council of Nicaea, the Pope has been deceiving the churches that Jesus Christ is not coming back to this earth because he is the vicar of Christ to rule the world
But Satan the devil, the Antichrist, and the false Prophet who have deceived the whole world shall be cast into the lake of fire by the Lord Jesus Christ of glory at his coming. At this time, the kingdom and power and glory will be with the Father God forever all.